Leave a legacy
Leave a living world
Your gift to those who’ll inherit the earth from us
All of us would like to leave this world knowing that we’re passing on a healthy, living planet to our children’s children and others who come after us.
You might like to consider leaving a living legacy, by making a bequest to WESSA in your will. After you no longer need it, your money will work hard to educate future generations about the environment … support conservation efforts … protect threatened species and habitats … and keep your vision of a thriving green world alive.
Why have a Will?
Making a will ensures that everything you have worked hard for in your life is passed on to your loved ones and the causes you care about.
A bequest serves as a lasting legacy to your beliefs and values. Bequests left to WESSA over the years have enabled us to establish nature reserves, lobby government, run conservation projects, protect species and tackle issues like climate change and pollution. No matter how large or small, your bequest will be woven into the future of our land, its natural resources, and its wild and beautiful spaces.
If you already have a will, its a simple matter to add a codicil naming WESSA (the Wildlife and Environment Society of South Africa) as a beneficiary. Please consult your financial adivsor, banker or lawyer before making any changes to an existing will.
Types of bequests
A Specific Sum: This is the simplest form of bequest. However, it does not allow for inflation or charges within your estate.
The Residual: After making provision for your family and friends, you may wish to leave whatever is left (the residual) of your estate to WESSA.
A Percentage: Often it is difficult to predict the final value of your estate. By allocating a percentage of the total, rather than a fixed amount, you can be sure that all your beneficiaries will receive their fair share.
A Gift of Real Estate or Property: This may be made outright, or you can arrange for the property to pass on to WESSA after the death of another beneficiary, such as your spouse.
A Life Assurance or Endowment Policy: Often an insurance policy taken out years ago to protect a young family or mortgage loan loses its relevance as you get older. Such a policy can be ceded to WESSA as the beneficiary.
Please note the above suggestions should not take the place of proper financial/legal advice. Please consult your financial advisor, banker or lawyer before making any decisions concerning your will.
Please use these details when including a bequest in your will
Name of organisation
WESSA (The Wildlife & Environment Society of South Africa)
uMngeni Valley Nature Reserve,1 Karkloof Road, Howick, 3290 KZN
Registration no
1933/004658/08 (Incorporated Association not for gain)
NPO no
Tax Exemption no: 18/11/13/1903