Financials & Reports
Sound corporate governance
WESSA recognises the need to conduct the business of The Society with integrity and in accordance with generally accepted corporate practices as far as is possible in a not-for-profit organisation. Our Board is vigilant in ensuring that donations from individuals, corporates and other stakeholders are utilised to the full, to maximise impact on critical areas such as climate change, pollution and the protection habitat biodiversity, species and natural resources.
Annual financial statements
The directors prepare annual financial statements that fairly present the state of affairs of the Society, including the surplus or deficit for that year. Financial statements are prepared in accordance with the International Financial Reporting Standards and reviewed by an independent external auditor.
Board of directors
The board of directors retains full and effective control over the Society, monitors executive
management and makes decisions on material matters.
Audit and Risk committee
We have an Audit and Risk Committee that meets at least quarterly to provide input into
effective executive decision – making for the management of cash, financial and business risks.
Internal control
Management has developed and continues to implement, maintain and improve a system of internal controls throughout the Society to ensure the safeguarding of assets.
Code of ethics
As an integral part of its mission statement, WESSA has a code of ethics (“our values”) which commits it to act with integrity in all matters.
Audited Annual Financial Statements
for the year ended 31 March 2024

Annual Report

Annual Report

Annual Review

Annual Review

Annual Review