Blue FlagApplication Form Blue Flag Beach Application You may save this form and resume completion within 30 days. Click here for more information about the criteria required for Blue Flag status. Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form. - Step 1 of 6Information about the municipality/communityPlease note: All fields are required. You may save this form at any stage and return to complete it within 30 days.Name of municipalityAddressRegionCommunity and Upload disposal Phone numberFax numberEmailWebsite addressName of contact personFunction of contact person Name of contact person during holidaysFunction of contact person during holidaysNumber of permanent inhabitantsNumber of inhabitants during peak seasonNumber of beaches in the municipalityNumber of beaches applying for the Blue Flag Social Media Links (if applicable) FacebookX (Twitter)InstagramInformation about the applying Blue Flag beachBeach nameRegistration or nuts numberGPS coordinates of the beach (one point, central to the beach) in Decimal Degrees:Website address Name of beach operator, responsible for the beach managementBeach operator phone numberAddress of beach operatorBeach operator emailBeach opeator fax numberName of contact person during holidaysPhone number of contact person during holidaysEstimated maximum number visitors per dayEstimated average number visitors per daySeason start dateSeason end date (minimum 12 weeks)Is the beachSandy?Rocky?Is there a kiosk/shop near the beach?YesNoIs it a nudist beach? YesNoIs this the first application for Blue Flag?YesNoIf 'no', please indate date Blue Flag first awardedDo you need a new Blue Flag Board?YesNoIf 'yes', please upload a picture of the current condition of the board/s Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 3 files. NextSave and Resume LaterEnvironmental education and informationHow long is the beach?How many information boards are in place?Are boards nationally standardised (information, content and design)?Is information about the Blue Flag programme displayed on the beach information board?YesNoWhere else is the infomation posted?Major access pointsLifeguard stationsOther beach facilitiesParking areasTourism officePlease confirm that the information includes:Who is responsible at the local, national and interantional levelLength of Blue Flag seasonFlag will be removed in case of non-complianceHow many environmental education/information/training projects or activities have been planned for the coming Blue Flag season?Which groups, organisations or persons are involved in creating these activities?NGOLocal Agenda 21 Co-ordinatorRangersMaritime museumTourism organisationOthers (please specify)Organisations involvedActivitiesPlease provide the following information for each planned activity.Activity 1 Name:Activity 1 GoalActivity 1 target groupActivity 1 content/messageActivity 1 method used to get the message acrossActivity 1 appendix/examples/etc.Activity 2 Name: Activity 2 Goal Activity 2 target group Activity 2 content/message Activity 2 method used to get the message across Activity 2 appendix/examples/etc. Activity 3 Name: Activity 3 Goal Activity 3 target group Activity 3 content/message Activity 3 method used to get the message across Activity 3 appendix/examples/etc. Activity 4 Name:Activity 4 Goal Activity 4 target group Activity 4 content/message Activity 4 method used to get the message across Activity 4 appendix/examples/etc. Activity 5 Name: Activity 5 Goal Activity 5 target group Activity 5 content/message Activity 5 method used to get the message acrossActivity 5 appendix/examples/etc. Is information about the activities posted on the beach information board?YesNoIf 'yes', please give detailsIs there an Environmental Interpretation Centre or similar permanent public environmental education place within the community/municipality?YesNoIf 'yes', please give details If the beach had the Blue Flag the previous year, please list the activities that were held and make a short assessment on the success of these activities (did many people participate, what was the outcome, etc). Try to focus on how these activities could be improved for the future. Name of the activityAssessmentName of the activity Assessment Name of the activity Assessment Name of the activity Assessment Name of the activity Assessment Is information on wathing water quality (less than 31 days old) displayed at the beach information board?YesNoWhere else is this information posted?Major access pointsLifeguard stationsOther beach facilitiesParking areasTourism officeDoes the information include:Interpretation of the table/figuresStatement that the flag will be removed in case of non-complianceInformation is presented in a format that is easily read and understood by the pbulic regardless of languagePlease describe this formatAre there any coastal zone ecosystems, wetland areas, unique habitats or natural sensitive areas (including Marine Protected areas) or aluable cultural sites in the coastal zone?YesNoIf 'yes', briefly describe these areasIf 'yes', which local conservation groups (including Marine Protected Area management) have been contacted for advice on management techniques/appropriate conduct for these areas? If 'yes', do you display information about these areas at the beach information board?YesNoIf 'yes', where else is the information displayed?At the sensitive areaTourist sitesTourist officeTourist brochure/newspaperDoes this include information about appropriate behaviour in the area?YesNoIf the sensitive area is an underwater area, is there specific information for divers and snorkelers?YesNoIf there are no sensitive areas in the coastal zone, do you display information about environmental eco-systems or local phenomena?YesNoWhich local groups have been contacted for advice on this information?Is there a map of the beach, indicating facilities, displayed on the beach information board?YesNoWhich of these is displayed on the map?'You are here' pointersDemarcation of Blue Flag areaLifeguards or lifesaving equipmentFirst aid equipmentThe area patrolled by lifeguardsTelephonesToilets (including disabled facilities)Drinking waterCar and bicycle parkingAuthorised camping sites at/near the beachLarger waste receptaclesRecycling facilitiesWater sampling pointsAccess points and access for disabledFootpathsZoning (swimming, sailing, surfing, etc)Storm water outletsRivers and inflowsNearby natural sensitive areasLocal landmarks (where applicable)Nearby public transportScale barDirection (north)Does the map use pictograms to show the features listed above?YesNoIs information about the beach code of conduct displayed at the beach information board?YesNoWhich of the following does the beach code of conduct include?Rules about the presence of domestic animalsZoningFishingUsing trash binsVehicles on the beachCampingFiresTimes of lifeguard duty and area patrolledTimes of first aid availabilityEmergency phone numbersAre there laws governing beach use available to the public?YesNoNextSave and Resume LaterWater qualityThe beach must fully comply with the water sampling and frequency requirements.Have the samples been taken according to the requirements regarding frequency (minimum 5 samples per bathing session)?YesNoAre there any streams, rivers or other inlets entering the beach?YesNoIf 'yes', is sampling done near the mouth of the stream or river?YesNoIf 'yes', do the samples record any effect on the bathing water quality?YesNoHow many sampling sites does the beach have?Is an independent person officially authorised/trained to collect the samples?YesNoPlease give the name, address and telephone number of the laboratory responsible for analysing the bathing water quality samples.Is an laboratory national/international acredited to carry out the analyses?YesNoPlease indicate the type of accreditation and give the accreditation number for the laboratory. What methods of analyses does the laboratory use for: Faecal coliform/E.coli bacteria?Faecal streptococci/intestinal enterococci?Physical-chemical measurements? Is there compliance at the beach regarding procedure and policy with the Blue Flag water quality requirements for: Faecal coliform/E.coli bacteria? (copy)Faecal streptococci/intestinal enterococci? (copy)Physical-chemical measurements? (copy)Is the 95th percentile used in the calculation of the samples?YesNoAre the samples within the requird limit values for E.coli?YesNoAre the samples within the required limit values for intestinal enterococci?YesNoIs the beach monitored for the physical-chenical parameters: the pH value, oils and floatables?YesNoHave any abnormal changes been detected in colour, transparency and turbidity of the water?YesNoIs there a sampling calendar? YesNoIs there a four year sampling history?YesNoAre there any discharges of urban or industrial waste water to the beach?YesNoIf 'yes', please descirbe how it is documented that these discharges do not affect the water quality of the beach area.Are there any industrial facilitiies or plants in the vicinity that could potentially have an influence on the surrounding coastal environment?YesNoIf 'yes', please describe the facilities and their potential effect.Please describe how it is ensured that there is no threat to public health or environmental hazard from the nearby industrial facility.Does the collection, treatment and discharge of urban wasteewater in the community meet the national?EU standards and legislation?YesNoIf 'no', please describe how and whyIs there any untreated waste water released anywhere in the community?YesNoIf 'yes', specify source, release and approximate number of untreated releases. (copy)Is the beach affected by waste brought onto land from the water?YesNoIf 'yes', what remedial actions are taken?Is there a bathing water profile?YesNoNextSave and Resume LaterEnvironmental ManagementPlease list the beach management committee and their affiliations (i.e. beach manager, lifeguard, education expert, Marine Prtoected Area representative, special user group, special interest group)Please indicate the activities of the beach management committee in the past year.Is there a land use and development plan for the coastal zone?YesNoIf 'yes', is the beach and immediate hinterland (including location and use/operation of facilities and structures) in full compliance with the land-use/development plan and other relevant environmental legislation?YesNoIf 'no', please explain why not.Are the beach licenses and statutory permits posted on the information board?YesNoIs your Blue Flag beach in or near a Marine Protected Area?YesNoIf 'yes', do you consult with the MPA management to ensure suitable ecosystem conservation and biodiversity goals?YesNoPlease elaborateDoes the beach comply with national guidelines concerning litter?YesNoIs the beach, surround area, paths, parking areas and access points to the beach clean and maintained at all times?YesNoHow often is it cleaned?By what methods is it cleaned?Do you determine the cleanliness of the beach by applying the Measuring System for Beach Litter?YesNoWhat is the average cleanliness level at this beach (on the scale from A+ to D) acrroding to the Measuring System for Beach Litter?Are there turtle nesting areas on/near the beach?YesNoWhen cleaning the beach, do you make sure that these areas are left in peace?YesNoIs algae or other vegetation present on the beach?YesNoIs the algae or other vegetation left on the beach unless it constitutes a nuisance?YesNoIf 'no', please describe whyIs the removed algae or vegetation disposed of in an environmentally friendly way?YesNoPlease describe how it is disposed ofAre there enough litter bins on the beach (or larger receptacles at the beach access points) and are they well secured, maintained and spaced appropriately?YesNoAre they regularly emptied as needed for the use of the beach?YesNoHow often are they emptied during peak season?Does your litter go to an approved disposal site?YesNoIf 'yes', which one? Please give the license/authorisation code of the disposal siteIf 'no', whre and under what circumstances is litter disposed of?Is there a local/municipal recycling programme or facilities?YesNoAre there receptacles on the beach for receiving recyclable materials?YesNoAre they regularly emptied as needed for the use of the beach?YesNoPlease list the types of materials that can be receivedIf less than 3 kinds of materials are not received, please explain whyAre there adequate toilet/restroom facilites for the peak number of users?YesNoMaleFemaleDisabledAre they equipped with a washbasin, soap and clan towels or a dryer?YesNoAre they kept clean at all times?YesNoHow often are they cleaned?Are environmentally friendly materials used?YesNoPlease specify type of sewage disposal from the toilets and other sanitary waste water (e.g. connection to community septic system or septic tank)Is driving permitted on the beach?YesNoIf 'yes', how is it regulated?Is camping allowed on the beach? YesNoIf 'yes', is this taking place in areas specifically zoned for this use and load capacity?YesNoAre there bylaws prohibiting these activities on the beach"CampingDrivingDumpingAre there any unauthorised activities on the beach?CampingDrivingDumpingAre there any beach events involving the use of vehicles or camping being held on the beach?YesNoIs there parking for emergency vehicles in close proximity to the beach?YesNoAre there national or local bye-laws concerning animals on the beach?YesNoAre domestic animals allowed on the beach? YesNoIf 'yes', please describe the code of conduct for domestic animals on the beachIf 'yes', please describe the measures taken to ensure that no faecal matter contaminates the beachAre all buildings and equipment on the beach properly maintained?YesNoAre environmentally friendly products used to maintain the buildings/equipment?YesNoAre there any construction projects going on in the beach area?YesNoIf 'yes', please describeIs there a sensitive habital (coral reef or sea grass bed) located within 500 metres from any part of the beach?YesNoIf 'yes', has a "Reef Check" coral reef or sea grass bed monitoring programme been carried out?YesNoPlease indicate the year of the last "Reef Check" coral reef or sea grass bed monitoring programme.Has a local "Reef Check" or sea grass bed team been established?YesNoPlease describe information is collected concerning site description, fish counts, invertebrate counts, sustrate type measurements.Has the collected information been reported to "Reef Check" and relevant monitoring bodies?YesNoIs the local community or the beach operator promoting sustainable means of transportation?YesNoPlease explain howDoes the local authority or beach operator have a traffic management plan regarding the traffic to/from the beach?YesNoIs there information about sustainable transportation posted on the beach information board?YesNoNextSave and Resume LaterSafety and servicesAn adequate number of lifeguards and/or lifesaving equipment must be available at the beach.Has a safety risk assessment been caried out?YesNoIf 'yes', in which year?And by which body?Has an appropriate response strategy to the assessment been assured? Please describeAre there beach guards on duty during the bathing season?YesNoIf 'yes', please specify when during the season, and what hours during the day.Do the lifeguards have a national/international certifiation?YesNoAccording to what requirements are the lifeguards trained?Do the lifeguards wear an easily identifiable uniform?YesNoIs the life guarded area definedOn the beach map?With flags or markers?Is there adequate public lifesaving equipment?YesNoWhat type of equipment is there? (life buoys, torpedo buoys, throw bags, lines, boat/raft)Distance betwen equipmentWhat official authority has approved the equipment?How often is equpment checked?Is the period of presence of lifeguards and/or location of public lifesaving equipment clearly marked on the beach information board or on the lifeguard station?YesNoIs an explanation of the emergency flag system provided on the Blue Flag Information Board?YesNoIs first aid available on the beach?YesNoIs first aid AttendedUnattendedIs the location of first aid marked on the beach information board?YesNoIs the community part of a local and/or regional emergency plan to cope with pollution accidents?YesNoIs this plan in compliance with other national emergency legislation for the area?YesNoDoes the plan include a scheme to ensure that the public is informed about pollution accidents?YesNoDoes the plan cover clean up operations?YesNoDoes the plan specify the role of local persons?YesNoIs an emergency simulation exercise conducted annually?YesNoAre emergency phone numbers available at the information board?YesNoAre there overlapping needs among beach user groups in the beach area (e.g. water sport users and swimmers)?YesNoIf 'yes', please detail the overlap and how conflict is avoided.In what way is zoning enforced?BuoysSignageLifeguardsOtherIs the zoning of the beach clearly defined on the beach map?YesNoHow is it assured that access to the beach is safe? (wooden walkways, steps, ramps, pedestrian crossings, etc)Is thre access to the beach for the general public?NoYes, freeYes, paidIf a fee is required, please indicate how muchIs the beach area patrolled?YesNoAre the guards trained and qualified?YesNoAre the guards easily identifiable?YesNoIs there a source of drinking water?YesNoIf 'yes', how is it protected from animals?Does this beach have access ramps for disabled people?YesNoDoes this beach have toilet facilities for disabled people? YesNoNumber of toilets for disabled peopleDoes this beach have access to the water for physically disabled (amphibian wheelchair/ramp in the water)?YesNoIf the beach has beach wheelchairs, how many are there?Does this beach have access to the water for visually disabled people? Sound equipment/devices for adaptive water sports, etcYesNoIf there are no facilities for disabled people, please specify which Blue Flag beaches in the munipality have access ramps and toilets for disabled people.If there are no Blue Flag beaches in the municpality with facilities for disabled people, please explain why not.If 'yes', which organisation?Has an organisation for disabled people been contacted to ensure access and facilities are efficient? (copy)YesNoDoes the access and toilet facilities for disabled people comply with national/international standards?YesNoIs there reserved parking for disabled people?YesNoHow many parkings are there for disabled pople?Which of the following areas are accessible (wheelchair friendly) for disabled people:From the disabled parking to the disabled toiletFrom the disabled parking to the beach sand via a rampFrom the disabled toilet to the beach sand via a rampFrom the disabled parking to a view point (if applicable)From the disabled parking to a shop/restuarant (if applicable)From the disabled parking to the showersPlease provide any additional information regarding wheelchair access at your beach. It is very important for wheelchair users to establish before the time, which facilities at the beach they will have access to.NextSave and Resume LaterBlue Flag CommittmentThe application is considered as a contract between the municipality, the beach operator and FEE. By signing, we confirm that the information given is correct and that the obligations will be fulfilled. The responsible local authority and beach operator undertake to remove the Blue Flag if an imperative criterion is no longer fulfilled, and to inform each other and the national Blue Flag office immediately. We are informed that the national and International Blue Flag juries reserve the right to refuse or withdraw the Blue Flap where the beach operator or local authorities are responsible for current violations of national environmental regulations or otherwise act in discord with the objectives ans spirit of the International blue Flag Programme. By signing this form, the applicant assumes full responsibility – including liability– for the information provided. By signing this form, the applicant assumes full responsibility for acts that are not in compliance with the criteria and the mission of Blue Flag International, only when these have occurred due to is negligance.Name of beachCommunity/municipalityBeach operatorDate / TimeDateTimeSignature Clear Signature DocumentationPlease upload:One large scale map, showing the extent and delimitation of the area(s) for which the Blue Flag is (are) applied for. This map must indicate access roads, the type of surrounding area (town, resort, rural, protected or sensitive natural areas and potential sources of pollution within 200 meters of any of the Blue Flag beaches (e.g. discharge of waste water, storm discharge, streams/rivers in neighbouring coastal stretches). A detailed map of the beach. A copy of the information at the beach information board, including the beach map. The bathing water test results of the micro-biological and physical-chemical parameters from the entire previous season. If there are any natural sensitive areas in the coastal zone please enclose a copy of any publicly displayed information about these areas. If there are no natural sensitive areas, please enclose a copy of the environmental information displayed on the information board. If there is a natural sensitive area (including Marine Protected Area), please enclose information on how this area is monitored and by whom. Please submit a copy of the relevant part of the land-use and development plan concerning the coastal zone. If the community/municipality has got a litter management plan, please enclose a copy of the relevant parts. Please submit a brief description of the emergency plan, including who is responsible for what and include plans to deal with sewage spills and storm surge events. If the community/municipality has got a traffic management plan, please submit a copy of the relevant parts. Latest information about collection system, level of treatment, and number of samples and quality of the effluent water after treatment. Water quality monitoring calendar established prior to the start of the bathing season. Please submit pictures of all wheelchair accessible facilities (ramps, disabled parking, disabled toilet, beach wheelchair, beach mat, disabled signage) - template will be shared with checklist . Bathing Water profile (template to be shared).File Upload Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 20 files. SubmitSave and Resume Later Your form entry has been saved and a unique link has been created which you can access to resume this form. Enter your email address to receive the link via email. Alternatively, you can copy and save the link below. Please note, this link should not be shared and will expire in 30 days, afterwards your form entry will be deleted. Copy Link Email * Send Link