This poll has ended (since 3 months).

Six finalists have been selected by our panel of judges. The winner will be chosen by you! Please vote now by clicking the circular button next to the artwork description, and then clicking on VOTE. Please note, only one vote per person is allowed.

Voting closes 6 November 2024 and the winner will be announced on 8 November 2024.

Eli Kagen
There’s a mix of humour and concern in this photo—the monkey’s placement on the “DON’T FEED” sign feels almost playful, but it also highlights an important issue. Feeding animals, especially with unhealthy human foods, messes with their natural behavior and their health. It’s a powerful reminder that our actions, even if well-intentioned, can have negative effects on wildlife. This photo also reflects the theme of “Parts of a Whole.” The sign, the monkey, and the interaction with human food all represent parts of a bigger system—one where our actions directly impact animals and their environment. Ultimately, the photo challenges us to think about our impact on the world and how we can help restore balance by being more conscious of how our actions affect animals and the environment.
Adam Silbert
My work is depicting the infiltration of the alien humans who are polluting nature. You can see this through the pollution which is drawn in pen and coloured in red, whilst everything else is done in pencil.
Asher Friedman
The portrait is of myself and a Rock Hopper Penguin. The meaning of this portrait is to show my awareness and love for this penguin as there are slowly decreasing in population.
Thato Chabaesele
The artwork shows two different human settlements - informal and formal - with a river as their main source of water for both human and animals.
Mpho Masilo
The artwork shows the after effects of industrial factories on their immediate environment. The community river has been polluted and is negatively impacting the plant and animal life. The work is promoting not only self respect but respect for nature and the environment."
Errin Keymer
This artwork (which I call shattered connections) has been made with black fineliners using a stippling effect on an A3 page. The theme ‘part of a whole’ is captured through the abstract fragmented pieces. It shows how human actions can break nature, with the rose representing nature while the lines cutting through them symbolise how humans harm the environment. Even though the roses are broken, they are still visible which shows how strong and fragile nature is. This idea fits the theme because it shows how everything in nature is connected. Even when we harm the environment we are still able see the beauty in it and it reminds us to protect and restore nature before it is too late.